In a scale, two external terms are prime numbers, their product is 22, and an internal term is one tenth of the product. The scale formula can be ()

In a scale, two external terms are prime numbers, their product is 22, and an internal term is one tenth of the product. The scale formula can be ()

The ratio is 2:2.2 = 10:11

Write a proportion formula, so that the ratio of two ratios is 1 / 5, and the product of two inner terms is 20:)


In a scale, the quotient of the product of two external terms divided by the product of two internal terms is______ .

In a proportion, because the product of two internal terms equals the product of two external terms, the product of two external terms △ the product of two internal terms = 1

49 and 14 / 3 times (- 4)

49 and 3 / 14 times (- 4)
=-196 6 / 7

4A = B (the natural number AB is not zero), the greatest common factor of a and B is (), and the least common multiple is ()

4A = B (a natural number where AB is not zero), the greatest common factor of a and B is (a), and the least common multiple is (b)

If a = B + 1, a and B are all natural numbers greater than 0, then the greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is(
If a = B + 1 and B are all natural numbers greater than 0, then the greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ().

If a = B + 1, a and B are all natural numbers greater than 0, then the greatest common factor of a and B is (1), and the least common multiple is (AB)

a. If a / b = 5, then the greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()

a. If a / b = 5, then the greatest common factor of a and B is (b) and the least common multiple is (a)

Two seventh meters can be regarded as two seventh of () meters and one seventh of () meters

Two seventh of a meter can be regarded as two seventh of a meter or one seventh of two meters

How much is minus one seventh minus two seventh?
Such as the title

Minus one seventh minus two seventh
=Minus one seventh plus two seventh
=Two out of seven minus one out of seven
=One in seven

Simple English question, please tell me the reason 17.51
beneath each of the following sentences there are foyr choices marked
A.B.C.D.choose the one answer that is closest in meaning to the sentence
if i were rich,i would buy a villa in the Caribbean
a.i am not rich enough to buy a villa in the caribbean
b.when i became rich,i would think of buying a villa in the caribbean
c.because i am rich,i am going to buy a villa in the caribbean
d.i wish to be rich so that i would buy a villa in the caribbean

The original sentence is subjunctive
If I were rich, I would buy a villa in the Caribbean.
If I had money, I would buy a seaside villa in the Caribbean
Although he expressed a wish after he was rich, he mainly said that he has no money now
Choose a
a.i am not rich enough to buy a villa in the caribbean
I'm not rich enough to buy a seaside villa in the Caribbean
b.when i became rich,i would think of buying a villa in the caribbean
When I become rich, I will consider buying a seaside villa in the Caribbean
c.because i am rich,i am going to buy a villa in the caribbean
I'm going to buy a seaside villa in the Caribbean
d.i wish to be rich so that i would buy a villa in the caribbean
I want to be rich, so I want to buy a seaside villa in the Caribbean