Simple calculation of 24 + 7 + 26 + 5 + 3 + 1

Simple calculation of 24 + 7 + 26 + 5 + 3 + 1


(10:39:52 on the 21st)
If the value of the square-2x of the algebraic expression x is 3, what is the value of X

x=3 x=-1


If you have any help, please adopt. O (∩)_ Thank you

At noon in Hangzhou, Jiali's father called her daughter, who was traveling in Xinjiang [east longitude 87 degrees 19 minutes 52 seconds, north latitude 43 degrees 40 minutes 37 seconds]. What direction did her daughter find the sun in?
How to analyze it?

The earth is a sphere, so the time (local time) of different longitudes on the surface is different. Because a circle is 360 degrees, the difference is 24 hours, so every 15 degrees of longitude has a time difference of one hour
Since Hangzhou is about 120 degrees east longitude, the time difference between Hangzhou and Xinjiang is as follows:
(120-87) / 15 = 2 hours (approximately equal to)
And the time is getting late from east to west, so when Hangzhou is at noon, the time in Xinjiang is about 10 o'clock, then the sun in Xinjiang is about southeast
This kind of problem requires students to master the concepts of global time zone division, standard time, local time, time zone, district time and Beijing time in geography, and be able to understand and use them