51 divided by 3 / 7 () 0.51

51 divided by 3 / 7 () 0.51

51 divided by 3 out of 7 (> 0

Numerical reasoning 18,27,38,51, ()

18 = 4*4+2
27 = 5*5+2
38 = 6*6+2
51 = 7*7+2
66 = 8*8+2

Numerical reasoning: - 3,1, - 7,41, - 11,85, - 15(
Sorry, it's wrong!
Numerical reasoning: - 3,13, - 7,41, - 11,85, - 15(
Option: A, 123

Select c odd even term, odd term-3-7-11-15 as arithmetic sequence, even term 13 41 85, 13 = 4 ^ 2-3, 41 = 7 ^ 2-8, 85 = 10 ^ 2-15145 = 13 ^ 2-24, 4 7 10 arithmetic sequence, 3 8 15 24 as second order arithmetic sequence, and do not consider options 13 - (- 3) = 16, 41 - (- 7) = 48, 85 - (- 11) = 96, 16 48

Formula = if (A1)

A1 > 100 also does not matter, the result will only take 100
If A1 is determined