Calculation: (one tenth minus one) times (one ninth minus one) times (one eighth minus one) times. Times (one fourth minus one) times (one third) Minus one) times (half minus one) =?

Calculation: (one tenth minus one) times (one ninth minus one) times (one eighth minus one) times. Times (one fourth minus one) times (one third) Minus one) times (half minus one) =?

The original formula = (- 9 / 10) × (- 8 / 9) × (- 7 / 8) × × (- 3 / 4) × (- 2 / 3) × (- 1 / 2)
=-9 out of 10 × 8 out of 9 × 7 out of 9 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 2

Prime numbers are () and 11, 21, 13, 19, 27, 32, 37, 46, 49, 56, 63, 91 combined numbers are ()

I'm glad to answer your question
Prime numbers are [11,13,19,37]
The total number is [21,27,32,46,49,56,63,91]

Among the nine numbers 1, 2, 21, 45, 47, 51, 59, 91 and 96, the odd and prime numbers are (), the odd and not the prime numbers are (), and the odd and not the prime numbers are ();
What is prime rather than odd is ()

The odd and prime numbers are (47 59);
What is odd rather than prime is (21 45 51 91)

In natural numbers, all multiples of 5 (1) must be prime numbers (2) must be composite numbers (3) may be prime numbers or composite numbers

You should choose three
Let's take an example
5 is a multiple of 5, and 5 is prime
10 is a multiple of 5, 10 is a sum