Divide the number a by the number B, the quotient is 7 \ 4, the difference between the number a and the number B is 21, what are the numbers a and B? (use the equation) there must be a problem-solving process

Divide the number a by the number B, the quotient is 7 \ 4, the difference between the number a and the number B is 21, what are the numbers a and B? (use the equation) there must be a problem-solving process

Let a be x and B be y, then
From (1), we can see that 4x-7y = 0 ----- (3)
Simultaneous (2) and (3) are entitled to:
So a 49, B 28

Number a divided by number B, the quotient is 47, the difference between the two numbers is 21? (solved by equation)

Let B be x and a be 47x. X-47x = 21 & nbsp; 37x = 2137x × 73 = 21 × 73 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 49; a be 47x = 47 × 49 = 28; a and B be 28 and 49 respectively

A company's opening advertisement says: give free small gifts until they are finished
Revised: a company's opening advertisement said: the company presents small gifts, after the gift

The trouble of this sentence lies in "free gift". Since it is a gift, it must be free, otherwise it can't be called a gift. So the word "free gift" is cumbersome. If you remove the word "free gift", the sentence will be smooth

Four times a number, six less than the quotient of 108 divided by six
