The number of odd and composite numbers in one digit, the number of even and prime numbers in ten digit is two digit______ .

The number of odd and composite numbers in one digit, the number of even and prime numbers in ten digit is two digit______ .

According to the definition of prime number and composite number, even number and odd number, in 0-9, prime even number is 2, odd composite number is 9, so the two digit number is 29

A mathematical problem: given that the sum of squares of three consecutive odd numbers is 371, how to find these three odd numbers?
To set up a quadratic equation of one variable
Write down the solution
Thank you!

Let the three odd numbers be x, X-2 and X + 2 respectively
The solution is x ^ 2 = 121
X=+ -11
So these three numbers are 9, 11, 13 or - 9, - 11, - 13