Given that the fractional equation X-1 / x + X-1 / K-X + 1 / x = 0 has no solution, finding the value of real number k seems to be two answers

Given that the fractional equation X-1 / x + X-1 / K-X + 1 / x = 0 has no solution, finding the value of real number k seems to be two answers

x/x-1 + k/x-1 - x/x+1=0
By multiplying (x + 1) (x-1) on both sides of the equation, we get:
X = - K / K + 2
When x = - 1 or 1, the original equation has no solution
So - K / K + 2 = plus or minus 1
So k = - 1 (another K has no solution)

What is the value of a if X-1 / x-a of the fractional equation X-1 equals that a has no solution

Multiply both sides by X-1
If the equation has no solution, then x is only equal to the increasing root x = 1

Draw the image of the function y-x2-2x-3, and use the image to answer. (1) what is the solution of the equation x2-2x-3 = 0? (2) when x takes what value, the function value is greater than 0?

(1)x2-2x-3=0 (x2-2x+1)-3=1 (x-1)2=4 x-1=2 x=3
(2) If y = x2-2x-3 > 0, then x2-2x > 3 (X-2) x > 3 leads to x > 2 or x > 2

Solve equation 6 (x-1.5) = 0. When (), X2 = 2x; when () is, X2 is greater than 2x
The second question is choice
A. X is any number B. x = 2 C. x is greater than 2
There are four more students in class A than girls. There are () students in this class
