What is the meaning of "e" in mathematics? What comes from mathematics? There are some numbers on the top of the word "e", such as 2-1 It's on the bottom, it's on the left,

What is the meaning of "e" in mathematics? What comes from mathematics? There are some numbers on the top of the word "e", such as 2-1 It's on the bottom, it's on the left,

Σ is the sign of summation
∑ 0.5i=0.5×1+0.5×2+0.5×3+0.5×4 =5
Where I = 1 is a subscript, 4 is a superscript, and 0.5i is an algebraic expression. Then, the sum of the values of I is substituted

In mathematical symbols, what is a capital a written upside down? What is its meaning?

It means all. All initials are written upside down
Similarly, the reverse e is the initial of exist

The two symbols ∩ and ∪ represent the meaning of
What do the two symbols ∩ and ∪ mean? Give examples

Intersection and union of sets
For set a and set B
A ∩ B means all the elements that belong to both a and B. the set of them is called A-B intersection
A ∪ B means all the elements belonging to a or B. the set of them is called a and B

What is the meaning of the symbols written by the mathematical logic conjunction E and a, and what is the relationship between them?

On the other hand, e means existence, and proposition is existence proposition
A is written upside down to mean arbitrary, and the proposition is the full name proposition
The negation of existential proposition is called universal proposition
The negation of universal proposition is existential proposition