Why does the full quantifier become the existential quantifier and "affirmative" become "negative" after proposition negation

Why does the full quantifier become the existential quantifier and "affirmative" become "negative" after proposition negation

To deny a proposition is to reverse its original meaning

How to write the negative form of the proposition with total weight in the premise?
For any x belonging to a real number set, if x is greater than 2, then what is the negation that the square of X is greater than 4?
If x belongs to a real number set, then the square of X is less than or equal to 4 when x is greater than 2. Ha ha, I knew that.
But I'm not sure whether the full measure word in the premise should be a special measure word

The negation is: there exists x belonging to the real number set, so that when x is greater than 2, the square of X is less than 4

How to change the negation of proposition without full quantifier
For example, the negation of parallelogram diagonal bisection is to change to parallelogram diagonal bisection or there is a parallelogram whose diagonal bisection? Please explain the reason

The latter one

Why are mammals the highest group of vertebrates

1. It has highly developed nerve (cerebral cortex) and sensory organs, which can coordinate complex movements and adapt to changing environment. 2. Oral chewing and digestion can improve energy intake. 3. Constant temperature can reduce dependence on environment. 4. The structure of limbs can ensure rapid movement. 5. Viviparous, lactation can improve the survival rate of offspring