Factorization of a & sup2; - 4ab-4-4b & sup2

Factorization of a & sup2; - 4ab-4-4b & sup2

Is the title wrong and I can't do it

Factorization of 4ab-4b & sup2; - (B-A) & sup2;
Factorization 4ab-4b & # 178; - (B-A) &# 178;

Solutions 4ab-4b & # 178; - (B-A) &# 178;
=4b(a-b) -(a-b)²
= (a-b) (4b-a+b)
= (a-b ) (5b -a )
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Factorization: A & sup2; + 4B & sup2; + C & sup2; + 4AB + 2Ac + 4bc=

If the fractional equation (x-1) / (X-2) - (x + 2) / x = A / (2x-x ^ 2) has no solution, then a

When x ≠ 0 and X ≠ 2, the solution of the equation is x = 4 + a
So when 4 + a = 0 or 2, the equation has no solution
So when a = - 4 or - 2, there is no solution