How much is the cubic power of 6x + the quadratic power of X - the cubic power of 3x - 1 x - the cubic power of 3x + 2 x + the quadratic power of 6x + 11x + 6

How much is the cubic power of 6x + the quadratic power of X - the cubic power of 3x - 1 x - the cubic power of 3x + 2 x + the quadratic power of 6x + 11x + 6

The third power of 6x + the second power of x-3x-1
The third power of x-3x + 2
The third power of X + the second power of 6x + 11x + 6

The difference between the two equations of x square + 5x + k = 0 is only 5, so we can find the value of K

Let one root of the equation be a, then the other root is a + 5
According to the relationship between root and coefficient, it is concluded that: 1
The solution is as follows
In solution 2, two a and a + 5 are substituted into the original equation respectively
The solution is a = - 5

On the equation of X, one of the squares of X - 5x + k = O follows zero, then the other is?

On the equation of X, one of the squares of x-5x + k = O follows zero. Then, substitute this root into the original equation to get: k = 0, then the original equation is: x ^ 2-5x = 0, and the solution is: X1 = 0, X2 = 5. Therefore, the other root is 5

It is known that the difference between the square of the quadratic equation x + 5x + k = 0 with respect to X is 3, and the value of K is obtained

x1+x2=-5 x1x2=k
That is, (x1 + x2) & #178; - 4x1x2 = 9
The solution is k = 4