Design a binary code ternary synchronous subtraction counter with JK Trigger, draw the logic diagram!

Design a binary code ternary synchronous subtraction counter with JK Trigger, draw the logic diagram!

See the figure below

How does fx-82es calculator work out arctan? Can tan Λ - 1 (1) work out 45, but arctan1 = pie △ 4?

Still input Tan Λ - 1 (1), but adjust the angle to radian first (press shift mode 4)

The approximate calculation of arctan (2) or how it is realized in computer
We know that arctan (x) = x - (x ^ 3) / 3 + (x ^ 5) / 5 - (x ^ 7) / 7 +
But this is - 1

I guess. Please don't spray

Is arctan the negative power of Tan in Casio 5800 calculator?

Yes. ACR is angle. Arctan is another term for Tan ^ - 1, and so on