Abacus can be used to represent multi digit numbers

Abacus can be used to represent multi digit numbers

According to the length, the number of digits is different
There are 11 digits and 17 digits. In fact, any multi digit number can be expressed
When the abacus is not long enough, two abacuses can be used together, so there is no fixed number limit

What does abacus mean?

The word "Ruyi abacus" is pronounced R ú y à Su à N P á n, which means that when considering problems, we should start from our subjective wishes and only plan for the good. It comes from the 44th chapter of Li Baojia's "the appearance of Officialdom" in Qing Dynasty: "it's so cheap! You can do Ruyi abacus! Thirteen and a half months' salary, only three months! You've done with me, I'll

In what century did you invent the abacus?

In the 15th century, it was invented by Xu Yue