On the problems of discontinuities in higher numbers When x tends to 0 + 0 - limf (x), do you want to substitute x into f (x) to see if it is equal? But 0 +, 0 -, are not all the same? Substitute Lim and f (x) are not the same. Help me understand the content of high numbers

On the problems of discontinuities in higher numbers When x tends to 0 + 0 - limf (x), do you want to substitute x into f (x) to see if it is equal? But 0 +, 0 -, are not all the same? Substitute Lim and f (x) are not the same. Help me understand the content of high numbers

When 0 + is smaller than x, when 0 - is bigger than x
This kind of problem is most obvious in terms of piecewise function
Look at the picture

Point out the discontinuity of F (x) = SiNx / X (x-1), and explain what kind of discontinuity is

It can be seen from the analytical formula that the discontinuities can only be x = 0 and x = 1
The left and right limits exist but are not equal, so they are removable discontinuities in the first kind of discontinuities
LIM (x → 1 -) f (x) = LIM (x → 1 -) SiNx / (x (x-1)) = - Infinity
LIM (x → 1 +) f (x) = LIM (x → 1 -) SiNx / (x (x-1)) = + infinity
So it's an infinite breakpoint in the second kind of breakpoints

Find a and B so that point x = 0 is the de discontinuous interval of function f (x) = (√ (1 + SiNx + (SiNx) ^ 2) - (a + bsinx)) / (SiNx) ^ 2

Where is your root?

Given sin (x + π / 3) = 1 / 4, how to find the value of SiNx?

So cos (x + π / 3) = ± 15 / 4
So SiNx
=(1 + √ 45) / 8 or (1 - √ 45) / 8

In the computer, there are 12 digits in a certain system, one time is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, a, B, where a corresponds to the decimal system

If you use these 12 numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, a and B to represent 0-11 of the decimal system, then a represents 10 of the decimal system
If you use these 12 numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, a, B, to represent the decimal 11 ~ 0, then a represents the decimal 1

In the computer, there are 12 digits in a certain system, which are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a and B in turn, where a corresponds to 10 in the 10 system and B corresponds to 11 in the decimal system
Please convert the decimal positive integer to the decimal representation, and the result is~

Suppose the decimal positive integer is I
Convert to the decimal representation
If I = a × 12 ^ 6 + B × 12 ^ 5 + C × 12 ^ 4 + D × 12 ^ 3 + e × 12 ^ 2 + F × 12 ^ 1 + G × 12 ^ 0
Then the binary representation is ABCDEFG
This is the general method
For example, I = 16 = 1 × 12 ^ 1 + 4 × 12 ^ 0
Then the conversion to the decimal representation is 14

Explore the law; choose any number from 1 to 9, multiply this number by 7, and multiply the result by 15873. What law do you find?
Can you be more specific?

If you choose a, the result is aaaaaa
Applying the law of combination of multiplication... A * 7 * 15873 = a * 111111
The rule is this

When doing the calculation problem of multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit, Xiao Mahu regarded 4 on the second factor 34 as 9, and the result was 55 more than the correct product. What should be the correct result?

The first factor is
The right result is

When Mi Xiaopeng multiplies two digits by two digits, he regards 4 on 34 digits of the second factor as 9. The result is 55 more than the correct product. What is the correct result

The first factor is 55 (9-4) = 11
The correct result is 11x34 = 374

In the calculation of multiplying two digits by two digits, Xiaoqiang regarded the four of the second factor 34 as nine, and the result was 55 more than the correct product

The correct result is: 11 × 34 = 374