Given that line AB = ACM, point A1 bisects AB, A2 bisects a A1, A3 bisects a A2,..., an bisects a an-1, then a an = how many cm? Please draw a sketch. It's not convenient for me to send the picture

Given that line AB = ACM, point A1 bisects AB, A2 bisects a A1, A3 bisects a A2,..., an bisects a an-1, then a an = how many cm? Please draw a sketch. It's not convenient for me to send the picture

a/(2^n) cm
It is not difficult to see that Aa1 is a / 2 cm
Aa1 is a / 2 & # 178; cm
Aa3 is a cm3 of 2
Thus, it is recursively deduced that aan is equal to a cm of the nth power of 2

Given line AB = ACM, A1 bisects AB, A2 bisects Aa1, A3 bisects aa2 Aan-1, then aan-1=______ cm.

∵ line AB = ACM, A1 bisects AB, A2 bisects Aa1, A3 bisects aa2, ∵ Aa1 = 12a, aa2 = 14a, aan = (12) na

Given that line AB = ACM, point A1 bisects AB, A2 bisects Aa1, A3 bisects aa2, and an bisects aan-1, then how many centimeters is aan equal to?

Mathematical induction: Aa1 = A / 2 ^ 1, aa2 = A / (2 ^ 2), aa3 = A / (2 ^ 3),
So: aan = A / (2 ^ n), that is: aan = A / (n power of 2)

In {an}, a1 + a3 = 17, A2 + A4 = 68, then a2a3 = ()
A. 32B. 256C. 128D. 64

∵ a1 + a3 = 17, A2 + A4 = 68, q = A2 + a4a1 + a3 = 6817 = 4, ∵ a1 + a3 = A1 (1 + 42) = 17, the solution is A1 = 1, so a2a3 = 4 × 42 = 64, so D is selected