The meaning of 3 × 10 (40) a meter 1、 What do you mean by "3", "10" and "40" in the 3 × 10 (40) a meter? 2、 On the premise of safety, what is the maximum allowable power?

The meaning of 3 × 10 (40) a meter 1、 What do you mean by "3", "10" and "40" in the 3 × 10 (40) a meter? 2、 On the premise of safety, what is the maximum allowable power?

1、 What do you mean by "3", "10" and "40" in the 3 × 10 (40) a meter?
"3": three phase ammeter
"10": the calibration current is 10A
"40": the maximum current is 40A
2、 On the premise of safety, what is the maximum allowable power?
The results are as follows
220V × 40A (maximum) = 8800w = 8.8kw,
According to the power factor of 0.9, the maximum power is 8kw
Three phase is 3 × 8 = 24kw, so the maximum allowable power is 24kw

Why does 10 (40) a have two numbers

10A refers to the calibration current of the meter. The calibration current is the current value used to calculate the load base. The metering error of the meter working at this current is the minimum
40A refers to the maximum rated current of the meter, which can ensure that the meter can work normally for a long time, and the error and temperature rise can not exceed the allowable range of current value. In other words, your meter can carry a load of 40A current at the maximum, of course, at the same time, the cable should also be guaranteed to be within 10 square meters

How to understand the three numbers on the digital meter
There are three groups of numbers on my meter
two thousand six hundred and eighty-nine point zero seven
thirty-two point nine nine
one hundred and eleven point six nine
What are the meanings of these three figures?
In addition, the home has turned off all electrical equipment, of which 2689.07 and 32.99 are still increasing gradually. Why?

Smart meters generally have four cycles, one is the date, the second is the current time, the third is the total active power, and the fourth is the active valley power. If your meter doesn't show clearly, you can call the power hotline 95598 to ask for an explanation and ask them to help you find out what type of meter it is,

What does 5 (40) a mean on a two-phase meter

5 (40) a means the maximum current can be 40A
The current value before the bracket is called the calibration current, which is used to calculate the load base current value. The current in the bracket is called the rated maximum current, which can make the electric energy meter work normally for a long time, and the error and temperature rise fully meet the specified requirements