A watt hour meter is marked with 3000 R / kW · h. now it is observed that the watt hour meter rotates 45 times in 10 min. how much work does the current do?

A watt hour meter is marked with 3000 R / kW · h. now it is observed that the watt hour meter rotates 45 times in 10 min. how much work does the current do?

The power consumption in the circuit is w = 453000kw · H = 0.015kw · H = 5.4 × 104j. A: the current does 5.4 × 104j work

For a 220 V 100 W electric light, it was observed that the electric energy meter marked with 3000 R / kWh rotated 121 times in 20 minutes. What is the actual voltage of Xiaoming's house at this time
Can you be more detailed? I'm a junior high school student. Thank you. Who can help me? Thank you

The electric energy of 1R can be obtained from 3000r / kWh is 1200J
Electric energy of electric energy meter w = 121 * 1200J = 145200j
Actual power of electric lamp P = w / 1200s = 121w
Actual voltage U = 242v

The dial of a watt hour meter is marked with 3000r / kWh, which means______ If a lamp is used alone and the dial rotates for 30 turns, it will take 3 minutes, and the energy consumption of the lamp is 1______ What is the power______ Tile

Because every 1kW · h of electric energy consumed in the circuit, the turntable rotates 3000 revolutions, so when the dial rotates 30 revolutions, the electric energy consumed in the circuit is 0.01kw · h.0.01kw · H = 3.6 × 104j3min = 180s; according to the formula of electric power, we can get: P = wt = 3.6 × 104j180s = 200W