How to see the degree of single phase electronic smart meter? It shows that h, B and C represent the true meaning respectively

How to see the degree of single phase electronic smart meter? It shows that h, B and C represent the true meaning respectively

The meaning of double rate!

Last month, the power consumption was three degrees. Now the meter reading is 14.3. How many degrees is it

11 degrees

How many kilowatts can a single-phase 5-40 (a) electronic meter carry

220 * 40 = 8800w, that is 8.8kw
This is the maximum value. If it is higher than this value, it will cause the internal overheating of the meter and cause fire hazard (there will be a certain overload allowance according to the design of the manufacturer)

How to make single phase electronic watt hour meter reverse

Do you need to adjust the total power? The current electronic watt hour meter can't be reversed if you need to adjust the total power! 1. Your meter is still in engineering mode! (if it is delivered, it will be locked and modified, only the memory chip can be emptied) 2. By communicating with the watt hour meter! There should be a professional encryption machine (this encryption machine listen to