How to calculate the number of meters when the ratio of transformer of high voltage power energy meter is 75 / 5?

How to calculate the number of meters when the ratio of transformer of high voltage power energy meter is 75 / 5?

When the power supply voltage is 10kV, the voltage ratio is 10000 / 100, that is, the ratio is 100 * 15 = 1500;
When the common voltage is 35kV, the voltage ratio is 35000 / 100, that is 350 * 15 = 5250 times
In two voltage levels, the meter reading is multiplied by 1500 or 5250 to get the actual power consumption

Calculation of power meter's multiplying power
For example:
High voltage 10kV power supply, the meter is equipped with 50 / 5A high voltage current transformer, the practical rate of the meter is:
I have a look at the correct answer is to choose b.1000, but I don't know how to calculate it in detail, and I don't know which formula is used to calculate it
I am not ashamed to ask here, please master to give detailed explanation (the more detailed the better), thank you!
Excuse me: "voltage: 10 / 0.1 = 100;" how does this formula come from?

Current: 50 / 5A = 10,
Voltage: 10 / 0.1 = 100;

100 / 5 current transformer, primary winding is 2 turns, meter reading is 10, is the power consumption 10 * 20 * 2

It has nothing to do with the number of turns. The power is 10 * 20
The number of turns is related only under certain circumstances (the connection is considered by the meter operator, but the user doesn't care about him). He and 100 / 5 have certain parallel connection
Now you say it's 100 / 5. I'll just assume it doesn't matter

The current transformer is 100:5, the current is 80, and the ratio of passing through 1 turn? The ratio of passing through 2 turns? The current meter is 100:5?
The current transformer is 100:5
When the actual current 80 passes through one turn, the ratio of transformation is higher than that when it passes through two turns?
The actual current is 80. The ammeter is 100:5. What is the current at 1 turn? What is the current at 2 turns?

One turn ratio is 100:5, two turn ratio is 50:5. The current is 80A, and the secondary side of current transformer is 4a. It can't pass through two turns, so the current transformer and ammeter will be over current, which is equivalent to 160A