Connect the two lamps marked "220 V 60W" and "220 V 25W" in series into the 220 V circuit. Please analyze which of the two lamps is brighter

Connect the two lamps marked "220 V 60W" and "220 V 25W" in series into the 220 V circuit. Please analyze which of the two lamps is brighter

"220V 25W" is brighter, 25W has higher resistance and more partial voltage, while the current flowing through the two bulbs in the series circuit is the same. The actual power of "220V 25W" bulb is larger than "220V 60W", so it is brighter. This problem does not need calculation, just analysis is enough

A bulb marked with "220 V, 60 W" and B bulb marked with "220 V, 25 W" are connected in series into the 220 V circuit______ The lights are brighter. Connect them to the same circuit______ The light is brighter

(1) Because u a = u b = 220 V, p a > P B; from R = u2p, r a < R B, when two bulbs are connected in series, the current I flowing through them is the same, from P = I2R, p a < P B, so the actual power of B lamp is larger, B lamp is brighter; (2) from the title, the rated voltage of bulb u a = u b = 220 V, rated power p a = 60 W