There is a small light bulb, when it is connected in series with a 40 ohm resistor and connected to a 6 V power supply, it can light normally. The small light bulb can light normally for 5 seconds, and the current works for 1 joule Calculate the rated voltage of the small bulb,

There is a small light bulb, when it is connected in series with a 40 ohm resistor and connected to a 6 V power supply, it can light normally. The small light bulb can light normally for 5 seconds, and the current works for 1 joule Calculate the rated voltage of the small bulb,

According to P = w / T, the rated power of the bulb is P1 = 1J / 5S = 0.2W
Since it is connected in series with a 40 ohm resistor, the lamp current is I1 = I2 = I, U1 + U2 = u = 6V (I and u represent total current and total voltage respectively)
According to P = UI, the power of the bulb P1 = u1i1 = (6-u2) I1 = (6-u2) I = (6-ir2) I = (6-ir2) U / (R1 + R2) = [6 - (U / (R1 + R2) R2] U / (R1 + R2) = [6 - (6 / (R1 + 40) 40] 6 / (R1 + 40) = 0.2W
The solution is R1 = 20 or 80 Ω
According to P = u ^ 2 / R, the
When R1 = 20 Ω, rated voltage U1 = √ 0.2W × 20 Ω = 2V
When R1 = 80 Ω, rated voltage U1 = √ 0.2W × 80 Ω = 4V

In a 220 volt circuit, the current passing through the bulb is 68 ma. What is the power of the bulb? A total of one month

Resistance = 220 / 0.068 = 3235.3 ohm, the electric power of the bulb is the square of the current multiplied by the resistance
Power on T = 100 hours = 100 * 3600 = 360000s, so the work done by current w = Pt = 5385600 joules, equal to 1.496 kwh

The bulb marked with "220 V 40 W" works under the rated voltage. How many joules does the current work when it passes through one bank? How many joules does the current work when it passes through the lamp every minute

Passing the light every minute?