The voltage is 12 V and there is one 3mm diode. How much resistance do you need? How much resistance do you need for three diodes?

The voltage is 12 V and there is one 3mm diode. How much resistance do you need? How much resistance do you need for three diodes?

A diode needs 1K resistor in series
Three series resistors need about 500 ohm in series
Three in parallel, need series about 300 ohm resistance

What is the current of LED? How much resistance does it take to connect a three LED lamp with a voltage of 5 V

It's like asking how many watts are the bulbs? How much voltage do three bulbs need
Generally, the current required for 5mm diameter LED is between 10-20ma
The red voltage is 2.0V
The green voltage is 2.6V
The white voltage is 3.4V
If it's 5V, it's recommended that you connect each LED with a resistor separately. It's almost the same after 15mA according to the reference voltage
Other forms of LED, specific analysis