Is electromotive force equal to supply voltage

Is electromotive force equal to supply voltage

First of all, the unit of electromotive force and power supply voltage is the same, both are volt. Because the power supply usually has internal resistance, it will also share part of the voltage in the closed circuit, and the voltage at both ends of the power supply is less than that of the whole power supply. Therefore, in order to distinguish the two different concepts of the voltage at both ends of the power supply and the total voltage of the power supply, The total voltage of power supply is named electromotive force, which means the same quantity and the same value

What is the difference between voltage source and power supply

Power supply can be classified as follows: (1) independent power supply means that the output voltage (current) of the power supply is only determined by the nature of the independent power supply itself, and has nothing to do with the voltage (current) of the rest of the circuit

When the internal resistance of the power supply is zero, is the electromotive force equal to the voltage of the power supply/

Right! When the internal resistance of the power supply is 0, the terminal voltage of the user working in the closed circuit is also the power electromotive force. Because the internal resistance of the power supply is 0, when the current passes through the power supply, there is no work and no energy consumption, so the power electromotive force does not change, that is, the output voltage of the power supply is the same! However, this is an ideal state of physics research, which is impossible in reality!

The following statement about electromotive force is correct ()
A. The electromotive force of the power supply is equal to the potential difference between the positive and negative poles of the power supply. B. the voltage value obtained by directly measuring the two poles of the power supply with a voltmeter is actually slightly less than the accurate value of the electromotive force of the power supply. C. The electromotive force of the power supply is always equal to the sum of the voltages on the internal and external circuits, so its value is related to the composition of the external circuit The electromotive force of the power supply is always equal to the work done by the electrostatic force when the positive charge of 1C passes through the circuit

A. According to Ohm's law of closed circuit, e = u + IR, we know that when the external circuit is open circuit, I = 0, u = e, that is, when the power supply is not connected to the external circuit, the voltage between the two poles is equal to the power supply electromotive force. If the current I ≠ 0 in the circuit, the power supply has internal voltage, and the voltage between the two poles is less than the electromotive force, If there is a certain current in the circuit and a voltage in the internal circuit, the voltage measured by the voltmeter connected between the two poles of the power supply is less than the electromotive force of the power supply. Therefore, B is correct. C. The electromotive force of the power supply is always equal to the sum of the voltages on the internal and external circuits. The electromotive force represents the power supply's ability to convert other forms of energy into electric energy. The electromotive force represents the characteristics of the power supply, which is determined by the power supply itself and is different from the external power supply D. according to the definition of electromotive force E = WQ, we know that the electromotive force of the power source is always equal to the work done by the non electrostatic force when the positive charge passes through 1c in the circuit