Electrotechnics: the difference between power model and ideal voltage source and ideal current source When the three resistors are connected in series, the voltage and current of the resistor are independent of the voltage source and can be removed

Electrotechnics: the difference between power model and ideal voltage source and ideal current source When the three resistors are connected in series, the voltage and current of the resistor are independent of the voltage source and can be removed

There are two kinds of power sources: voltage source and current source!
Ideal voltage source itself voltage constant, no internal resistance, output voltage is voltage source itself voltage
The ideal current source has constant current and no internal resistance
The power model estimates internal resistance

The internal resistance of ideal voltage source is 0, and the internal resistance of ideal current source is infinite, right

Like. Just want to reverse! Think again! Think again! So you answer wrong!
Give a resistor a try!
I'll help you again! I'll take out a dry battery, and then I'll take out a bundle of dry batteries, this bundle of dry batteries
Positive connect positive! Negative connect negative! You think that "like" current source and then think about voltage source!
Ideal voltage and ideal current source (these two words) are wrong! If they are wrong, there is no answer!
Let me change it
The internal resistance of ideal voltage source is 0, which should be constant voltage source. The internal resistance of constant current source is infinitesimal!
Ideal voltage and ideal current source is a kind of "concept" power supply!
The internal resistance of an ideal current source is infinite. How can you be "ideal"? As soon as you use electricity, there is no electricity. What kind of "ideal current source" are you!
(according to the opinions of netizens, only one-half to two-thirds of the questions will be answered in the future.) if the netizens ask questions, they will think on their own, so that the knowledge they get will be more reliable! Instead of wasting the space to "be fashionable"!
This is the harm to the "tide chaser"!

Is the capacitor connected to the power supply with constant voltage U and constant power q? The capacitor is equivalent to open circuit. How can it be charged if the current does not pass through

When the power supply is connected, the voltage does not change, and Q will change until the ratio of Q and u reaches C. This process is called charging

An ideal voltage source is connected in parallel with an ideal current source, and how to understand it in series,
Suppose a 2V ideal voltage source and a 4A ideal current source are connected in parallel, and then a 1 ohm resistor is connected in series. How to analyze the voltage and current on the resistor? If it only acts with the voltage source, why does the current source not work, and where is the current provided by the current source?

Voltage source is equivalent to short circuit, current source is equivalent to open circuit, the voltage at both ends of voltage source is 2V, the current of current source branch is 4a, the current provided by current source can flow through resistance and voltage source at the same time!