If the power supply is short circuited, the voltmeter will be connected in parallel at both ends. Will the voltmeter be burnt out and display the power supply voltage

If the power supply is short circuited, the voltmeter will be connected in parallel at both ends. Will the voltmeter be burnt out and display the power supply voltage

The voltmeter is connected in parallel at both ends of the short circuit power supply. There is no current passing through the voltmeter and the voltmeter does not work, so it will neither burn out nor realize the power supply voltage

Can the ammeter be directly connected to the power supply? Can the voltmeter?

The ammeter is equivalent to a wire, so it can't be directly connected to the two poles of the power supply
The voltmeter measures who is in parallel with whom, so it does not affect the circuit when it is connected into the circuit. The obstruction of the voltmeter to the current is particularly large, which is equivalent to an open circuit. It can be directly connected to both ends of the power supply to measure the power supply voltage

If the parallel pure resistance circuit is short circuited, what will happen to the voltmeter?
If there are many situations, please explain them one by one
It's not necessarily a purely resistive circuit. Sorry, I made a mistake! In addition, the internal resistance of power supply, line impedance and so on are considered.

This is a problem with many kinds of situations. The main reason is that how the line is connected is uncertain. 1. When the voltmeter is connected to the short-circuit resistance, it is no doubt 02. When the voltmeter is not connected to the short-circuit resistance and connected to the end of the road, the resistance of the external circuit decreases and the voltage indication decreases due to the short circuit

In the circuit, the voltmeter is connected in parallel with a bulb. If the bulb is short circuited, is the voltmeter also short circuited?

The short circuit of the bulb means that the electricity will be burned. Because the voltmeter is connected in parallel with the bulb, the voltmeter will not be short circuited or burned. To put it simply, it's like the electricity used by two neighbors is on the same transmission line. The next one is equivalent to parallel connection. However, if there is a short circuit of a bulb or other electrical appliances, at most it will burn his protection