Fill in the blank: ideal voltage source and ideal current source are connected in series, and their equivalent circuit is______ The ideal voltage source and resistor are connected in parallel, and its equivalent circuit is_____ .

Fill in the blank: ideal voltage source and ideal current source are connected in series, and their equivalent circuit is______ The ideal voltage source and resistor are connected in parallel, and its equivalent circuit is_____ .

-------It is current source

If a resistor is connected in series with the ideal current source, will it affect the voltage and current in the original external circuit?


Why is the current equal everywhere in series circuit and the voltage equal in parallel circuit
Won't a part of the current be lost when it passes through an electrical appliance?

In a series circuit, the current is equal everywhere because there is no branch in the series circuit, but only one path. Moreover, the charge will not accumulate anywhere in the circuit, so the number of charges passing through any section of the circuit must be equal at the same time, that is, the current flowing through each series resistor is the same

Why is capacitor charging equivalent to short circuit
Why is it equivalent to open circuit after charging

Because the voltage at both ends of the capacitor can't change suddenly, the voltage at both ends of the capacitor is 0 when it is turned on. When it is turned on, its voltage can't change suddenly, it's still 0V. At this time, the current of the power supply is equal to the no-load voltage of the power supply divided by the internal resistance of the power supply, which means that the power supply is short circuited