In the experiment of "measuring the rated power of small light bulb", it is known that the power supply voltage is 6V, the small light bulb is marked with "3.6V", and the filament resistance is about 12 Ω. The equipment used is as shown in the figure. The range of 0-15v of voltmeter is broken, the range of 0-3v is in good condition, and other equipment is in good condition. Xiaoming has connected some equipment. (1) from the figure, it can be seen that he reasonably selects the range of 0-0.6a of ammeter, and he The reason for choosing this range is ⊙___ (2) adjust the slide of the sliding rheostat. The reading of the voltmeter shows that the small bulb can light normally, but he doesn't know how to connect the voltmeter. Please connect the voltmeter to the circuit correctly with the stroke line representing the wire, and answer___ (3) move the slide to ⊙ before closing the switch___ End (fill in: "left" or "right"), the purpose of doing so is ⊙___ (4) after closing the switch, adjust the slide P. when the small bulb lights normally, the indication of the ammeter is 0.3A, then the rated power of the small bulb is ⊙___ W.

In the experiment of "measuring the rated power of small light bulb", it is known that the power supply voltage is 6V, the small light bulb is marked with "3.6V", and the filament resistance is about 12 Ω. The equipment used is as shown in the figure. The range of 0-15v of voltmeter is broken, the range of 0-3v is in good condition, and other equipment is in good condition. Xiaoming has connected some equipment. (1) from the figure, it can be seen that he reasonably selects the range of 0-0.6a of ammeter, and he The reason for choosing this range is ⊙___ (2) adjust the slide of the sliding rheostat. The reading of the voltmeter shows that the small bulb can light normally, but he doesn't know how to connect the voltmeter. Please connect the voltmeter to the circuit correctly with the stroke line representing the wire, and answer___ (3) move the slide to ⊙ before closing the switch___ End (fill in: "left" or "right"), the purpose of doing so is ⊙___ (4) after closing the switch, adjust the slide P. when the small bulb lights normally, the indication of the ammeter is 0.3A, then the rated power of the small bulb is ⊙___ W.

(1) The rated current of the bulb is I = ur = 3.6v12 Ω = 0.3A < 0.6A, so small range should be selected; (2) According to the meaning of the title, the voltmeter can only use the range of 0-3v, and the rated voltage of the small bulb is 3.6V > 3V, so the voltmeter should be connected in parallel with the sliding rheostat. At this time, the indication of the voltmeter should be u = u total - UL = 6v-3.6v = 2.4V, so as to ensure that the small bulb can light normally; (3) In order to protect the circuit, the resistance of the sliding rheostat connected to the circuit must be the maximum, so move the slide to the right end before closing the switch; (4) Because the small bulb is normally emitting, so p = u, I = 3.6V × 0.3A = 1.08w; so the answer is: (1) the rated current of the bulb is about 0.3A < 0.6A, so it is more accurate to choose a small range; (2) as shown in the figure; 2.4V; (3) right end, protection circuit; (4) 1.08

A lamp marked "12V, 24W" is used for experiment, and the relationship between the filament resistance and the voltage at both ends of the lamp is shown in the figure. (1) under normal lighting conditions, what is the electric power of the lamp? (2) Let the filament resistance be directly proportional to the absolute temperature, and the room temperature be 300K, then calculate the filament temperature under normal lighting conditions. (3) after connecting a certain resistance in series with the bulb to 20V voltage, what is the resistance in series to make the bulb light normally? (4) When the switch is turned on, it takes 0.5s for the bulb to reach normal brightness. Why is the current smaller than at the beginning? Calculate the maximum current

(1) According to the title figure, the normal luminous r = 8 Ω, so the electric power is: P = u2r = 1228 = 18 & nbsp; w (2) according to the title figure, the room temperature resistance R ′ = 1 Ω, from TT ′ = RR ′ & nbsp; t = RR ′ = 81 × 300 = 2400k (3) the resistance voltage is: u ′ = 20-12 = 8V, the resistance current is: I ′ = ur = 128 = 1

When measuring the resistance of a small bulb, it is found that the filament resistance varies greatly under different voltages. What is the reason

Generally, metals have a positive temperature coefficient of resistance, that is, the resistance increases when the temperature rises (the opposite is true for semiconductors)
When different voltage is applied to the filament, the current flowing through is different, and the temperature of heating is also different, so the measured resistance is also different. The cold resistance is much lower than the hot resistance
Therefore, it is meaningful to measure the filament resistance at its rated working voltage

Is the range of two dry batteries 3V voltmeter 0 ~ 3V or 0 ~ 15V?

The voltage and current of direct current are constant, but the voltage of two dry batteries may be a little higher than 3V. It is accurate to measure the voltage of 0-15v with 0-15v