If the filament of a light bulb has been used for a long time, will the resistance of the filament increase or decrease? Why?

If the filament of a light bulb has been used for a long time, will the resistance of the filament increase or decrease? Why?

A: the resistance of the filament becomes larger. Because the filament is used for a long time, it will become thinner due to sublimation, and the resistance becomes larger

After the filament of a bulb is broken, if it is put on again, the resistance of the filament will become smaller and the brightness will become brighter; what is the impact of the smaller contact area at the contact point and the larger resistance?
I feel that the effect is that the light bulb breaks down soon,

When the filament of a bulb is broken and put on again, the resistance of the filament will be reduced and the brightness will be bright; the contact area at the contact point will be reduced and the resistance will increase the temperature in the bulb, and the interface will be easy to melt, enter the air, the filament will burn and the bulb will be damaged

After the filament of a light bulb is cut, its resistance will decrease. Why?

After the filament is broken, it can't light up. If the filament is overlapped together, it doesn't seem to change. In fact, most of the filament are not tight (I don't believe that the filament will move very weakly when I swing the good bulb at home). Therefore, it's impossible to completely connect the end-to-end, but one end is in the