In the experiment of exploring the relationship between current and voltage, resistance, when exploring the relationship between current and resistance, we should () A. Adjust the sliding rheostat to keep the current in the circuit constant B. Adjust the sliding rheostat so that the voltage at both ends of different fixed resistor R remains unchanged C. Make the voltage at both ends of resistance R change in multiple D. The current in the circuit should be changed in multiple during each measurement

In the experiment of exploring the relationship between current and voltage, resistance, when exploring the relationship between current and resistance, we should () A. Adjust the sliding rheostat to keep the current in the circuit constant B. Adjust the sliding rheostat so that the voltage at both ends of different fixed resistor R remains unchanged C. Make the voltage at both ends of resistance R change in multiple D. The current in the circuit should be changed in multiple during each measurement

B. Adjust the sliding rheostat so that the voltage at both ends of different fixed resistor R remains unchanged

When studying "the relationship between current and resistance under a certain voltage", the circuit is shown in the figure. The power supply voltage is constant 3V, and the sliding rheostat is marked with "15 Ω & nbsp; When the resistance of 20 Ω is connected between a and B, the voltage indication can not reach 1.5V. The reason may be ()
A. The resistance of sliding rheostat is too small B. the power supply voltage is too high 3V C. the resistance of 20 Ω is too small D. the control voltage is too high 1.5V

According to Ohm's law, RPR = upur can be obtained. When a resistance of 20 Ω is connected between a and B, the voltage indication is always unable to reach 1.5V, because the maximum resistance of sliding rheostat is 15 Ω, and the resistance value of 20 Ω is greater than 15 Ω, so the indication of voltmeter will only be greater than 1.5V, so the resistance of sliding rheostat is too small. At the same time, if the power supply voltage is less than 3V, the voltage of sliding rheostat is too small The indication of the voltmeter may also reach 1.5V, so the power supply voltage 3V is too high. Then AB is correct. If 20 Ω is too large, so there are too many partial voltages, the indication of the voltmeter will always be greater than 1.5V, so C is wrong. If the control voltage 1.5V is not high, because the indication of the voltmeter in this experiment is always greater than 1.5V, rather than less than 1.5V, so D is wrong

When doing the electrical experiment of "adjusting the brightness of the bulb", the circuit is as shown in the figure. The power supply voltage is 4.5V, the range of the voltmeter is "0 ~ 3V", the specification of the sliding rheostat is "20 Ω & nbsp; L & nbsp; a", and the bulb L is marked with "2.5V & nbsp; 1.25W" (ignoring the filament resistance change). Under the condition of not damaging the circuit components, the following judgment is correct ()
A. The current range of the circuit is 0.3A ~ 0.5 & nbsp; ab. the resistance range of the sliding rheostat is 5 Ω ~ 10 Ω C. The minimum power of the bulb is 0.225wd. The maximum power of the circuit is 2.7W

IL = plul1.25w2.5v = 0.5A, the maximum current allowed by the sliding rheostat is 1a, according to the characteristics of the series circuit current, the maximum current in the circuit is I = IL = 0.5A; because of the maximum current at this time, the resistance of the sliding rheostat in the circuit is the smallest, ∵ I = ur ∧ u, total I = 4.5v0.5a = 9 Ω, RL

In the circuit as shown in the figure, the constant voltage U is 12V, the total resistance of the sliding rheostat is 30 Ω, and the light L is marked with the words "6V, 1.8W". Try to find out: in order to make the light shine normally, what is the resistance of PA part of the sliding rheostat? At this time, what is the power consumption of the sliding rheostat?

Let the resistance of PA section be r, then the current of Pb section is IPB = urpb = 630 − R, the current through bulb is IL = 1.86a = 0.3A, the current through PA section is IPA = 12 − 6R = 6R, because IPA = IL + IPB, 6R = 0.3 + 630 − R, the solution is r = 10 Ω