The output power of a power plant is 1000 watts, and the resistance of the transmission line is 10 ohm. How much electric power does the user get

The output power of a power plant is 1000 watts, and the resistance of the transmission line is 10 ohm. How much electric power does the user get

1、 Calculate the transmission current: I = P / u = 1000W / 100V = 10a, 2. Calculate the power of transmission loss in the line: P '= I & sup2; r = (10a) & sup2; × 10 Ω = 1000W. Because p' = P, all the power is lost in the line

The resistance of the transmission line is 0.5 ohm, which requires 1 kV voltage to deliver 100 kW of electric power

It has nothing to do with the resistance on the transmission line. The resistance on the transmission line will reduce the voltage

The resistance of the transmission line is 0.5 ohm, and the transmission power is 1000000w. The voltage of 1000V is used to transmit the current on the transmission line and the electric work lost

Wire current = 1000000w △ 1000V = 100A
Power loss = I & # 178; r = 100 & # 178; × 0.5 = 5000W

The resistance value of a resistance wire is 110 Ω, which is connected to the voltage of 220 v. what is the current passing through? The electric power of the resistance wire under the voltage of 220 V

See if the voltage of 220 V is DC or AC. for DC, the current I = 220 / 110 = 2A, power P = I * I * r = 440W