A 2m long straight wire is horizontally placed along the east-west direction with the current of 1a. Try to calculate the ampere force on the wire in the geomagnetic field

A 2m long straight wire is horizontally placed along the east-west direction with the current of 1a. Try to calculate the ampere force on the wire in the geomagnetic field

The formula of Ampere force is △ f = I △ L · bsin (I, b), which can only be calculated with magnetic field strength, and there must be an angle between the direction of magnetic field and the direction of current

A 2m long straight wire is horizontally placed along the east-west direction with the current of 1a. Try to calculate the ampere force on the wire in the geomagnetic field

The magnetic induction intensity of the two magnetic poles is 6 ~ 7 * 10-5 T; the magnetic tangent is 3 ~ 4 * - 5 t, and the geomagnetic field has a magnetic declination angle, so the force acting on the straight wire is different when it is horizontally placed on the surface in the east-west direction

There is a vertical wire on the equator, in which there is a current from the bottom to the top. What is the direction of the wire under the action of the geomagnetic field and why

Left hand rule (ampere rule): know the direction of current and magnetic induction line, judge the direction of force on the conductor in the magnetic field. Extend your left hand, let the magnetic induction line go through the palm of your hand (the palm is aimed at the N pole, the back of your hand is aimed at the S pole), four fingers point to the direction of current, then the direction of thumb is the direction of force on the conductor

There is an electrified metal wire placed vertically above the equator. The current direction is from top to bottom. It is acted by the geomagnetic field in the direction of () A. to the East
There is an electrified metal wire placed vertically above the equator. The current direction is from top to bottom. The direction of the force exerted by the geomagnetic field is ()
A. To the East B. to the West C. to the South D. to the north?

According to the left-handed rule, the ampere force on the conducting wire is horizontally eastward