How to know which electric current is measured by ammeter? I know which consumer the ammeter is connected in series with is to measure which consumer's current, but I just can't tell which consumer the ammeter is connected in series with. I don't know whether it's left or right!

How to know which electric current is measured by ammeter? I know which consumer the ammeter is connected in series with is to measure which consumer's current, but I just can't tell which consumer the ammeter is connected in series with. I don't know whether it's left or right!

What I said upstairs is a little complicated. The simplest way is to measure the current of an electric appliance, no matter whether the electric appliance is on the left or right side of the ammeter, as long as the wire connecting the electric appliance and the ammeter is not bifurcated

If the ammeter is connected in parallel in three series circuits with 10 ohm resistance and the current is 1.5 V, what is the supply voltage?
The ammeter is connected in parallel with one of them, and the current indication is 1.5 Amperes

How to parallel, and one of the three are, three words should also slide the rheostat, otherwise the power short circuit, and ammeter how is 1.5V, you make the topic clear
From the known closed switch, the resistance in parallel with the ammeter is short circuited, I = 1.5A, r = 10 Ω * 2 = 20 Ω, u = IR = 1.5A * 20 Ω = 30V

It is known that R1 = R2 = 10 ohm, R3 = 20 ohm. Connect them in series and connect them at both ends of the circuit with constant voltage. Xiaofang parallels an ammeter at both ends of R2, as shown in the figure. It is found that the indication number is 1a. If the ammeter is replaced by a voltmeter, the voltage indication number is? R1 R2 R3. The series voltmeter measures R2 voltage!

If the ammeter is connected in parallel at both ends of R2, it is equivalent to short circuiting R2. The measured ground current is the current of R1 and R3 in series in the circuit. Therefore, the power supply voltage can be obtained as u = IR = (10 + 20) X1 = 30V. If the ammeter connected in parallel at both ends of R2 is replaced by a voltmeter, the total resistance in the line will become R1 + R2 + R3 = 40 ohm. The power supply voltage has been calculated as 30V, Then the line current is 30 / 40 = 3 / 4A, and the voltage at both ends of R2 is u = IR = 3 / 4x10 = 7.5V

Connect a 5 ohm resistor and a 15 ohm resistor in series to a 6-volt power supply. What is the current in this series circuit?
If parallel, what is the current on the main line

1. Series connection:
2. Parallel connection:
R'=R1R2/(R1+R2)=5Ω×15Ω/(5Ω+15Ω)=15/4 Ω
I=U/R'=6V/(15/4 Ω)=1.6A.