What is the resistance of a 1m long data line I want to use it to calculate the power loss of the wire at 1A current

What is the resistance of a 1m long data line I want to use it to calculate the power loss of the wire at 1A current

This is really
Let's see what kind of data line it is
Good data line is copper wire, poor is iron wire. Find one by yourself and measure it with universal meter
In the case of pure copper:
According to "r = ρ × L / s", ρ Cu = 5.3 × 0.00000001
It is known that: r = 5.3 × 0.000000 1 × 1 (m -- length) / 4 × 0.00001 (M2 -- sectional area)

How large PCB is used to package 1m resistor

The package of resistance is not based on resistance, but on power and welding method
All packages have 1m resistance. The specific package depends on your circuit

What is the current of 220 V after a resistance of 1m ohm?
220 V / 1000000 ohm = what Ma?

0.22 Ma

As shown in the figure, the wire AB moves along the metal guide rail to charge the capacitor. Suppose that the magnetic field is a uniform magnetic field and is wound around the closed iron core, and the resistance of the right circuit remains unchanged. In order to make the charge of the capacitor constant and the upper plate positively charged, the motion of AB is ()
A. Uniform motion B. uniform acceleration left motion C. uniform acceleration right motion D. variable acceleration left motion

A. When the wire AB moves at a constant speed, the induced electromotive force and induced current generated by the wire are constant, the magnetic field generated by the right coil is constant, the magnetic flux passing through the left coil is constant, and no induced current is generated; B. When the wire is accelerating uniformly to the left, the induced electromotive force and induced current in the wire increase. According to the right-hand rule, the direction of the current is from a to B. according to the ampere rule, the direction of the magnetic field generated by the right coil is vertical and downward, and the magnetic flux passing through the left coil increases. According to Lenz's law, the induced current generated by the left coil is clockwise, and the lower plate is positive Electrical. So B error; C. When the wire moves to the right with uniform acceleration, the induced electromotive force and induced current generated in the wire increase. According to the right-hand rule, the direction of the current is from B to A. according to the ampere rule, the direction of the magnetic field generated by the right coil is vertical upward, and the magnetic flux passing through the left coil increases. According to Lenz's law, the induced current generated by the left coil is counterclockwise, and the upper pole is vertical It has positive charge, so C is correct; D. when the wire changes to the left and accelerates, the induced electromotive force and induced current in the wire increase. According to the right-hand rule, the direction of the current is from a to B. according to the ampere rule, the direction of the magnetic field generated by the right coil is vertical downward, and the magnetic flux passing through the left coil increases. According to Lenz's law, the left coil generates clockwise induction Should be current, the lower plate with positive, so D error