Micro interpretation of earthquake I know that the energy source of earthquake is the powerful internal energy of the earth, but what is the reason for its energy release? Why is there such energy? Why are earthquakes prone to occur between continental plates? Who else can explain earthquakes from the microscopic perspective of physical science? All ears

Micro interpretation of earthquake I know that the energy source of earthquake is the powerful internal energy of the earth, but what is the reason for its energy release? Why is there such energy? Why are earthquakes prone to occur between continental plates? Who else can explain earthquakes from the microscopic perspective of physical science? All ears

The energy comes from lava. First of all, the crust is the product of lava cooling, and the crust floats on the lava inside the earth. This is also the reason why the continental plate will move. Why there are different plates? Think about it, when the earth was just formed, there was no crustal rock, it was all lava, and it was only lava after cooling slowly

Microeconomic problems for explanation
To realize the optimal combination of production factors is a necessary condition for a manufacturer to maximize its profit, so what is the sufficient condition

Enterprise profit maximization is influenced by many factors in reality. It is not a simple model in economics alone. Therefore, strictly speaking, it is only a necessary and insufficient condition