What is the micro explanation of the work done by current

What is the micro explanation of the work done by current

Electrons collide with other molecules by directional movement, which accelerates the molecular motion and increases the temperature

What does it mean that the drug will be together sooner or later in the drug manual
According to the drug instructions, the medicine should be taken in the morning and in the evening. Does it mean after breakfast and after dinner? Or do you take it in the morning and before going to bed at night? Can you take half of the medicine after dinner?

Macroscopic and microscopic explanation of the law of conservation of mass
How to explain the law of conservation of mass from macroscopic and microscopic aspects

Macroscopically: the types of elements remain unchanged, the mass of elements remains unchanged, and the total mass of reactants and products remains unchanged
Microcosmic: the type of atom is invariable, the mass of atom is invariable, the number of atom is invariable, and the mass is conserved

Explain why chemical reaction should obey the law of conservation of mass from microcosmic point of view

Chemistry studies the combination, separation and recombination of atoms from the atomic level. In all chemical changes, the total number of atoms and each individual atom do not change, and each atom has no loss of mass (different from nuclear fusion and fission), so the total mass is conserved