What is the relationship between voltage, resistance and current in series and parallel circuits? What is bigger, what will become bigger? What gets smaller, what gets smaller? And in series or parallel sliding rheostat resistance increases, the current and voltage will have what kind of change? If the resistance decreases, what will the current and voltage change? Sorry to bother you.

What is the relationship between voltage, resistance and current in series and parallel circuits? What is bigger, what will become bigger? What gets smaller, what gets smaller? And in series or parallel sliding rheostat resistance increases, the current and voltage will have what kind of change? If the resistance decreases, what will the current and voltage change? Sorry to bother you.

You can remember: "the voltage of parallel circuit is equal, the current of series circuit is equal". Because u = I × R, the voltage of parallel circuit is equal, so the current of branch with large resistance is small; on the contrary, the current is large. The current of series circuit is equal, so the voltage of resistance with large resistance is high; on the contrary, the voltage is low
Of course, the specific circuit should be treated concretely, such as the potentiometer position, connection method and so on. This can not be learned by memory, but by understanding

The relationship among voltage, resistance and current in series and parallel circuits
I mean the relationship between voltage and resistance, voltage and current in series and parallel circuits

Series circuit:
The current at each resistor is equal, and the total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages at each resistor,
The total resistance value is equal to the sum of the resistance values, and the voltage ratio is equal to the resistance value ratio (i.e. the principle of partial voltage)
The total power is equal to the sum of the partial powers
Parallel circuit:
The total current is equal to the sum of the branch currents, the voltage is equal to the total voltage, the reciprocal of the total resistance is equal to the sum of the reciprocal of the branch resistance, and the product of the current is equal to the product of the resistance (i.e. shunt principle)
The total power is equal to the sum of the partial powers

What is the relationship between the resistances in series and parallel circuits

The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the sum of the partial resistances
The reciprocal of the total resistance of a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the reciprocal of the individual resistors