How to calculate series and parallel power How many w should two 40W bulbs in series and two 40W bulbs in parallel be?

How to calculate series and parallel power How many w should two 40W bulbs in series and two 40W bulbs in parallel be?

Two 40W in series, 20W in total, two 80W in parallel

How to calculate the total power in series circuit and parallel circuit?

Calculate the corresponding total resistance. Series connection is the sum of the resistances. Parallel connection is the reciprocal of the resistances. Add and then take the reciprocal. After calculating the total resistance, calculate the power with P = u ^ 2 / R

What is the reason for the large difference in resistivity between different points of polysilicon wafer?
The resistivity of silicon wafer measured by ms203 is about 3.5, but the maximum resistivity of ingot measured by rt1000 is only about 2.2

In principle, it is normal that there is a difference in resistivity between the points of polysilicon
Since it is polycrystalline silicon, it means that there are many grains and grain boundaries. Because the size of grains is not uniform, the number of grains and grain boundaries is different in different measuring points. Because the resistivity of grain boundaries is greater than that of grains, it leads to "large difference in resistivity among points of polycrystalline silicon"

When using volt ampere method to measure resistance, a student connected the experimental circuit as shown in the figure. According to the current and voltage characteristics of the series parallel circuit and Ohm's law, we can know the result he measured

The ammeter is externally connected, and the resistance to be measured is too small
The ammeter is internally connected, and the resistance to be measured is too large
(mainly considering the resistance of ammeter and the current of voltmeter)

Ohm's law the variation of resistance current and voltage
These changes are a little fuzzy, please explain the white point
For example: function image. For example, XX increases and XX decreases, respectively listing the variation of resistance current and voltage!
What I said is, according to Ohm's law, we can list the change law of resistance current and voltage respectively!

When u is constant, R is inversely proportional to I. the larger R is, the smaller I is. The larger I is, the smaller R is
When I is constant, u is proportional to R. the larger R is, the larger u is, and the larger u is, the greater R is
When R is constant, u is proportional to I. the larger u is, the larger I is