How to measure the apparent resistivity of soil

How to measure the apparent resistivity of soil

The method is as follows: to measure the soil resistivity, the most accurate method is the four point equidistant method. The small electrodes are embedded in the four small holes arranged in a straight line of the measured soil, the buried depth is B, and the linear interval is a. the test current I flows into the outer two electrodes, and the potential difference V between the inner two electrodes can be measured by the potential difference meter or high voltage meter

How much resistance is the length of a resistance wire with uniform thickness twice that of the original one

The resistance is quadrupled
Because the resistance is proportional to the length, the cross-sectional area is inversely proportional
It will be twice as long and double as long. After lengthening, it will definitely become thinner, the cross-sectional area will be half, and the resistance will be doubled, so it will be four times

The diameter of FeCr Al alloy resistance wire is 6 mm and the length is 15.5 M. what is the resistance of this resistance wire?
If the resistance is 0.8 Ω and the length is 15.5m, what is the diameter of the resistance wire?

The resistance of this resistance wire r = ρ L / S = (0.0000014) × 15.5 ^ (π × (6 ^ 2 ^ 1000) & # 178;) = 0.7675 Ω

A nickel chromium wire with uniform thickness is drawn into 1 / 10 of its original diameter and uniform thickness. How many times of its original resistance?

The diameter becomes 1 / 10 of the original, so the area becomes 1 / 100 of the original,
Because it is the same nickel chromium wire, the volume is constant, so the length becomes 100 times of the original, (v = L * s)
The resistance formula r = ρ L / s. therefore, the resistance becomes 100 * 100 = 10000 times of the original