Relationship between conductivity and resistance I use the conductance meter to measure the value of 3.03ms &; cm2. I want to convert it into. Ω &; cm2. What should it be and how to calculate it. Thank you

Relationship between conductivity and resistance I use the conductance meter to measure the value of 3.03ms &; cm2. I want to convert it into. Ω &; cm2. What should it be and how to calculate it. Thank you

The reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity σ = 1 / ρ

Relationship between conductivity and resistance

The unit of resistivity is Ω &; m; the unit of conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity, S / M "Siemens / M"
2000cu = 2 × 10 ^ (- 9) = 2nm / M

Unit conversion of conductivity

Definition and measurement principle of conductivity:
Conductivity is the ability of an object to conduct current, and it is the reciprocal of resistivity. The measuring principle of conductivity meter is to put two parallel plates into the solution to be measured, add a certain potential (usually sine wave voltage) to both ends of the plates, and then measure the conductivity between the plates. According to Ohm's law, conductivity (g) - the reciprocal of resistance (R), It is determined by voltage and current. The measurement of conductivity needs two aspects of information. One is the conductivity g of solution, The other is the geometric parameter k of solution. Conductivity can be measured by current and voltage. According to the relation s = k × g, the value of conductivity can be obtained. This measurement principle has been widely used in direct display measuring instruments, while K = L / A This value is called electrode constant K. when there is a uniform electric field between the electrodes, the electrode constant can be calculated by geometric dimension. When two square plates with an area of 1cm are separated by 1cm to form an electrode, the constant k of the electrode is 1cm-1
Basic unit and unit conversion of conductivity
In memory of German engineers, entrepreneurs, inventors of electric motors, generators, tramcars and compass telegraph, he improved submarine cables, proposed open hearth steelmaking method and innovated steelmaking process, The founder of Siemens, Ernst Werner von Siemens, uses the basic unit of conductivity as mu, which is also called Siemens. It is usually expressed as MS / cm, US / cm.1ms/cm. = 1000US / cm

The resistance of the transmission line is 0.5 ohm, the transmission power is 100000 kW, and the transmission voltage is 1000000 v. how many amperes is the current in the transmission line?

Transmission line current:
So the current in the transmission line is 100A
Then calculate the line loss power
So the formula p '= (I ^ 2) * r is used to calculate the line loss power. I hope it can solve your problem,