What are the structure symbols and circuit symbols of rheostat in physics RT

What are the structure symbols and circuit symbols of rheostat in physics RT


Physics: speed, mass, density, force, gravity, pressure, buoyancy, temperature, current, voltage, resistance symbols!

Speed: v
Mass: M
Density: P (but not p is "meat" (read like this, not write like this) P is similar to "meat")
Force: F
Gravity: G
Pressure: P
Buoyancy: F
Temperature: t
Current: I
Voltage: u
Resistance: R

Physical symbols
What is the meaning of θ = arctan 1.33 = 53

Arctan or arcsin arccos are inverse trigonometric functions. The function of inverse trigonometric functions is to know the value of trigonometric functions and find the corresponding angle
Besides, it's a mathematical symbol. It's not physics

Symbol of resistance
What is the unit symbol - Ω

R or R can be used, usually in uppercase