How to express the 30 MB symbol of resistance

How to express the 30 MB symbol of resistance


How to express the sign of average resistance?

There is no average resistance

What's the color on the resistance? I've learned it in school before, but now I forget that I need a detailed statistics

Black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the penultimate ring represents the number of zeros. The last digit represents error. This rule has a clever formula: brown one red two orange is three, four yellow five green six is blue, seven purple eight gray nine pairs of white, black is zero, gold five silver ten represents error, for example

Color ring method to see the resistance!
Color ring method to see the resistance, is how to see, what kind of color resistance?

Identify the resistance value of color ring resistor
Resistance value has direct number and color ring method, direct number I don't say you also know, the following mainly introduces the identification of color ring resistance
At present, the color ring resistor is widely used in electronic products. Its advantage is that in the process of assembly, debugging and repair, the color ring can be seen at any angle and the resistance value can be read out without moving the components. A resistance color ring is composed of four parts [excluding precision resistance]
Among the four color rings, the first and second ring represent the first two digits of the resistance value, the third ring represents the magnification, and the fourth ring represents the error
The key points of mastering this method are as follows:
(1) Memorize the number represented by each color of the first and second rings
Brown = 1
Red = 2,
Orange = 3,
Yellow = 4,
Green = 5,
Blue = 6,
Purple = 7,
Grey = 8,
White = 9,
Black = 0
This is the basic skill. Repeat it more and remember it!
The key is to remember the resistance range represented by the color of the third ring
Gold: what time
Black: tens of Ω
Brown: how many Ω
Red: what time, what K Ω
Orange: several tens of K Ω
Yellow: several hundred K Ω
Green: what time and m Ω
Blue: several tens m Ω
From the order of magnitude, they can be divided into three levels: gold, black and Brown are ohmic level; red is kiloohmic level; orange "is ten kiloohmic level; green is megaohmic level; blue is ten megaohmic level
(3) When the second ring is black, the color of the third ring represents an integer, that is, several, dozens, hundreds of K Ω, etc. This is a special case of reading, so we should pay attention to it. For example, if the third ring is red, its resistance value is the whole number of K Ω
(4) Remember the error represented by the fourth ring color, that is: gold 5%; silver 10%; colorless 20%
Here are some examples:
Example 1 when the four color rings are yellow, orange, red and gold in turn, because the third ring is red and the resistance range is a few K Ω
The second ring is gold, which means the error is 5%
Example 2 when the four color rings are brown, black, orange and gold in turn, because the third ring is orange and the second ring is black, the resistance value should be tens of K Ω, and the reading is 10 K Ω by substituting the number "1" represented by brown. The fourth ring is gold, and the error is 5%