What determines the resistance? What determines the size of the resistance?

What determines the resistance? What determines the size of the resistance?

The factors that determine the resistance are: material, length, cross-sectional area and temperature
When the other three conditions are the same:
The longer the length, the greater the resistance
The larger the cross-sectional area, the smaller the resistance
The higher the temperature of most conductors, the greater the resistance
If only three blanks are given, fill in: material, length and cross-sectional area
If four blanks are given, fill in: material, length, cross-sectional area and temperature

Factors determining the resistance of conductor

Factors: conductor material, length, cross-sectional area
Function: 1. Protection circuit 2. Change the current in the circuit

Through the experimental study, we can know that the resistance of the conductor is a property of the conductor itself, and its size depends on the resistance of the conductor______ 、______ 、______ And______ .

The resistance of an electric body is a property of the conductor itself. Its size depends on the material, length and cross-sectional area of the conductor. Moreover, the resistance is also related to temperature. Therefore, the answer is: material; length; cross-sectional area; temperature

What factors do resistance have to do with conductors
Equipment: one fine nickel chromium alloy wire, one manganese copper alloy wire (about one meter long), one switch, one ammeter, one sliding rheostat, one power supply and several conductors
Design experiment

Connect two wires in the circuit respectively, and observe the indication of the ammeter. If the indication is small, the resistance is large, which can prove that it is related to the material of the resistance