The resistance of metal conductor increases with the increase of temperature? Why? Is it necessary to add something in front?

The resistance of metal conductor increases with the increase of temperature? Why? Is it necessary to add something in front?

The resistance of metal conductor increases with the increase of temperature, because the increase of temperature increases the resistance of electron movement

Does the higher the temperature, the greater the resistance?

The resistance of the conductor is related to the temperature. The resistance of the pure metal increases with the increase of the temperature. The resistance of the carbon and the insulator decreases with the increase of the temperature

The longer the resistance wire is, the larger or smaller the current is

If the voltage at both ends of the resistance wire is constant, the longer the resistance wire is, the smaller the current is
According to the resistance formula r = ρ L / S (ρ resistivity, related to material; l conductor length; s conductor cross-sectional area), it can be obtained that the longer the resistance wire is, the greater the resistance is; according to I = u / R, it can be obtained that if u is fixed, the greater R is, the smaller I is

The maximum current that a resistance wire can pass is 2A,
When 36V voltage is applied at its two ends, the current passing through is 0.6A. Then, can it be directly connected to the power supply with voltage of 220V?

According to Ohm's law, r = u / I, r = 60 ohm
When the voltage U is 220 V, because the resistance R is 60 ohm, according to Ohm's law, the voltage passing through is 3.67 ohm. And 3.67 is greater than the maximum current that can pass through 2a, so the voltage of 220 V cannot be connected!