How to convert battery capacity MAH to electric energy kwh?

How to convert battery capacity MAH to electric energy kwh?

The unit of electric quantity is Coulomb, the symbol q is the number of electric charge, which is related to current and power on time with the formula q = it; the unit of I is ampere or ampere, and the unit of Ma time is hour symbol h, so we have the unit of MAH, w = Pt, w means power, t means time, so we have the formula of kWh work, w = uit = U

Is the total power of the series parallel circuit equal to the sum of the power of individual consumers?

When it is in series
Then I1 = I2, r = R1 + R2
From P = I2R
When in parallel
Then u = U1 = U2 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2
From P = U2 / R
So whether in series or in parallel

No matter in series or in parallel, the total power is equal to the sum of the power of each consumer

Whether series or parallel circuit, the total power is equal to the sum of the power of each consumer