How long does it take for a power of 1.3W and a voltage of 24 V line to pass through 0.1 mm? How to calculate

How long does it take for a power of 1.3W and a voltage of 24 V line to pass through 0.1 mm? How to calculate

The power is 1.3 W, the voltage is 24 V, the diameter of copper wire is 0.1 mm, the area of copper wire is 0.00785 mm
Power 1.3 W, voltage 24 V, copper resistance, r = 24 ^ 2 / 1.3 = 443 Ω
The length of copper wire with straight diameter of 0.1mm is required, l = R * s / P = 443 * 0.00785/0.018 = 193.2 (m)

Calculate the voltage drop according to the power and voltage of the consumer?
If you want to calculate the voltage drop, you need to be more detailed,

In fact, the ribbon is equivalent to a pure resistance. The relationship between power and voltage and resistance is: r = u & # / W. from this, you can get the resistance of the ribbon
But your problem is short of a condition. If you want to get the voltage drop, the voltage drop is for the series circuit. You must give the parameters of the equipment in series
In addition, if other electrical appliances are not connected in series, only the voltage drop per meter or several meters of the heater can be calculated. Multiply the circuit current by the resistance of the heater to be calculated

Given the voltage and power, how to calculate the current? The power of household appliances is known, the voltage is 220 V, want to calculate the current of each consumer

Power divided by voltage equals current