My factory has an electric heater, resistance heater, three-phase electricity, six connectors, each phase resistance measured by a multimeter is 18 ohm, how to calculate the power How to calculate triangle power and star power: see if I write it right Star connection: root 3 * line voltage * line current = root 3 * (root 3 * 220) 220 / R Triangle: 3 * phase voltage * phase current = 3 * 380 * (380 / R) Is the above algorithm correct? If not, please point out,

My factory has an electric heater, resistance heater, three-phase electricity, six connectors, each phase resistance measured by a multimeter is 18 ohm, how to calculate the power How to calculate triangle power and star power: see if I write it right Star connection: root 3 * line voltage * line current = root 3 * (root 3 * 220) 220 / R Triangle: 3 * phase voltage * phase current = 3 * 380 * (380 / R) Is the above algorithm correct? If not, please point out,

Your algorithm will halo itself. In fact, the power is equal to the square of the voltage divided by the resistance. When your heating tube is connected to 220 V, that is, when it is star shaped, the power is 220 × 220 divided by 18, which is about 2689 watts. When it is corner connected, it is 380 × 380 divided by 18, which is about 8022 watts

Three resistors are in parallel in the circuit. I need a circuit with equivalent resistance of 1.25 ohm. If R2 = 5 ohm, R3 = R1 + 8 ohm, what is the value of R1?
RT takes R1 and "will this provide equivalent resistance?"

According to the parallel resistance formula 1 / R1 + 1 / r2 + 1 / R3 = 1 / 1.25, substitute R2 = 5 ohm, R3 = R1 + 8 ohm
1 / R1 + 1 / R1 + 8 = 3 / 5