There are three resistors, R1 = 8 ohm, R2 = 12 ohm, R3 = 20 ohm. Connect them in series with a 10 volt power supply. What is the voltage at both ends of the three resistors?

There are three resistors, R1 = 8 ohm, R2 = 12 ohm, R3 = 20 ohm. Connect them in series with a 10 volt power supply. What is the voltage at both ends of the three resistors?

2A 12V

The resistor R1 and R2 are connected in series in the circuit. When R1 > R2 is powered on, the power consumed by them is P1 and P2 respectively
A P1>P2
B P1

The current of parallel circuit is equal, R1 > R2, so R1 has larger partial voltage (U = IR). According to P = UI, R1 has larger electric power P1