According to w = Qu, an electron is accelerated by an electric field between two points with a potential difference of 1 V, and the work done by the electric field force is 1 eV Is 1 eV positive or negative?

According to w = Qu, an electron is accelerated by an electric field between two points with a potential difference of 1 V, and the work done by the electric field force is 1 eV Is 1 eV positive or negative?

1 eV is positive work. 1 eV is the amount of work done by changing an elementary charge to 1 volt potential. The "electron" in EV emphasizes the amount of electricity

What is 1eV = J?
W (E) = UQ, V is the unit of u, 1c = (1.6 * 10 ^ - 19) e
Then (2 * 10 ^ 5) EV = (3.2 * 10 ^ - 14) J
How can (2 * 10 ^ 5) EV = (2 * 10 ^ - 14) J? Am I pushing it wrong?

Electron volt (EV) is the unit of energy, 1eV = 1.60 × 10 ^ - 19j
Unit conversion can be based on the principle of "number unchanged to unit"