What are the important inventions of volt? A little more!

What are the important inventions of volt? A little more!

In a letter to the Royal Society, he wrote that

What enlightenment has mankind received in nature? What has he invented?
It's best to give three to five examples. thank you. It's urgent!

The world of nature is infinite, and the mysteries of nature are innumerable. Human beings have got a lot of inspiration from plants. Today, I'd like to introduce what inspiration human beings have got from nature. Let me tell you a story first: it's said that one year Luban accepted a great task to build a big

What kind of creatures do humans get inspiration from and invent,

Some examples of bionics
Flies and spaceships
It seems that the annoying flies are different from the grand space industry, but bionics has closely linked them
Flies are infamous "detractors". They can be found in all foul and foul places. Their sense of smell is very sensitive, and they can be smelled thousands of meters away. But flies don't have a "nose". How can they use it as a sense of smell? It turns out that the "nose" - olfactory receptors of flies are distributed on a pair of antennae of the head
Each "nose" has only one "nostril" to communicate with the outside world, containing hundreds of olfactory nerve cells. If an odor enters the "nostril", these nerves immediately convert the odor stimulation into nerve electrical pulses, which are sent to the brain. The brain can distinguish different odor substances according to the different nerve electrical pulses generated by different odor substances, The antennae of a fly are like a sensitive gas analyzer
Inspired by this, bionics scientists have successfully imitated a very strange small gas analyzer based on the structure and function of fly olfactory apparatus. The "probe" of this instrument is not a metal, but a living fly. That is to say, a very thin microelectrode is inserted into the olfactory nerve of the fly, and the guided nerve electrical signal is amplified by an electronic circuit, This kind of instrument has been installed in the cabin of spaceship to detect the composition of the gas in the cabin
This small gas analyzer can also measure harmful gases in submarines and mines. Using this principle, it can also be used to improve the input device of computer and the structure principle of gas chromatograph analyzer
From firefly to artificial cold light
Since the invention of electric lamp, life has become much more convenient and rich. But electric lamp can only convert a small part of electric energy into visible light, most of the rest are wasted in the form of heat energy, and the heat rays of electric lamp are harmful to human eyes. So, is there a light source that only emits light but does not generate heat? Human eyes turn to nature again
In nature, there are many creatures can emit light, such as bacteria, fungi, worms, molluscs, crustaceans, insects and fish, and the light emitted by these animals does not produce heat, so it is also called "cold light"
Fireflies are one of the most important luminescent animals. There are about 1500 species of fireflies. The colors of the cold light they emit are yellow green and orange, and the brightness of the light is also different. Fireflies emit cold light not only with high luminous efficiency, but also with soft cold light, which is suitable for human eyes, and the intensity of light is relatively high. Therefore, bioluminescence is an ideal light for human beings
Scientists have found that the luminescent organ of a firefly is located in the abdomen. The luminescent organ is composed of a luminescent layer, a transparent layer and a reflecting layer. The luminescent layer has thousands of luminescent cells, which contain fluorescein and fluorescein enzyme. Under the action of fluorescein enzyme, fluorescein combines with oxidation in the presence of water in the cells to emit fluorescence, In essence, it is the process of converting chemical energy into light energy
As early as the 1940s, people created fluorescent lamps based on the study of fireflies, which greatly changed the lighting source of human beings. In recent years, scientists first isolated pure fluorescein from fireflies' luminescent devices, and then isolated luciferase, Fluorescein is also synthesized by chemical method. The biological light source, which is composed of fluorescein, fluorescent enzyme, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and water, can be used as a flash lamp in mines full of explosive gas. Because this light has no power supply and no magnetic field, it can be used to clear magnetic mines under the illumination of biological light source
Now, people have been able to mix some chemical substances to get cold light similar to bioluminescence for safety lighting
Electric fish and volt battery
There are many creatures in nature that can produce electricity. There are more than 500 species of fish alone. These fish that can discharge electricity are collectively referred to as "electric fish"
Electric rays, electric catfish and electric eels are the most powerful. Medium sized electric rays can produce a voltage of about 70 V, while African electric rays can produce a voltage as high as 220 V; African electric catfish can produce a voltage of 350 V; electric eels can produce a voltage of 500 v. one kind of South American electric eels can produce a voltage as high as 880 V, which is the champion of electric shock, It is said that it can kill big animals like horses
What's the secret of electric fish's discharge? Through the anatomical study of electric fish, we finally found that there is a kind of peculiar electric generating organ in the body of electric fish. These electric generators are made up of many translucent disc-shaped cells called electric plates or electric discs. Due to different types of electric fish, the shape, position and number of electric plates of electric generators are different, It is located in the muscles on both sides of the tail spine; the electric generator of ray is like a flat kidney, which is arranged on both sides of the midline of the body, with a total of 2 million electric boards; the electric generator of catfish originates from a certain gland, which is located between the skin and muscle, with about 5 million electric boards. The electric voltage generated by a single electric board is very weak, but because there are many electric boards, the generated voltage is very large
In the early 19th century, Italian physicist Volta designed the world's earliest voltaic battery based on the electric fish's power generating organ. Because this battery was designed according to the electric fish's natural generator, it was called "man-made electrical officer", It also enlightens people that if we can successfully imitate the electricity generating organs of electric fish, then the power problems of ships and submarines can be well solved
Jellyfish's ear
"Swallows flying low will rain, cicadas singing, and the sky will clear up in the rain." the behavior of organisms has a certain relationship with the change of weather. Coastal fishermen all know that the fish and jellyfish living along the coast swim to the sea in batches, which indicates that a storm is coming
Jellyfish, also known as jellyfish, is an ancient coelenterate. It floated in the ocean as early as 500 million years ago. This lower animal has the instinct to predict storms. Whenever a storm comes, it will swim to the sea for refuge
It turns out that in the blue ocean, infrasound waves (8-13 times per second) generated by the friction between air and waves are always the prelude to a storm. The infrasound waves can't be heard by human ears, but the small jellyfish are very sensitive. Bionics scientists have found that there is a small handle in the resonant cavity of the jellyfish's ear. On the handle is a small ball, and there is a small listening stone in the ball, When the infrasonic wave before the storm strikes the otolith in the jellyfish's ear, the otolith stimulates the neural receptors on the ball wall, and the jellyfish hears the rumble of the coming storm
Imitating the structure and function of jellyfish ears, bionics scientists have designed a jellyfish ear storm predictor, which can simulate the organs of jellyfish that sense infrasound waves quite accurately. When the instrument is installed on the front deck of a ship, when it receives the infrasound waves of a storm, it can make the horn rotating 360 ° to stop rotating, It is the direction of the storm; the reading on the indicator can tell the intensity of the storm. This kind of predictor can forecast the storm 15 hours in advance, which is of great significance to the safety of navigation and fishery