Why is the measured value greater than the true value when measuring the internal resistance error of ammeter with half bias method

Why is the measured value greater than the true value when measuring the internal resistance error of ammeter with half bias method

The measured value is less than the true value. After a resistor is paralleled at both ends of the ammeter, the total resistance decreases, so the total current increases. Therefore, when the reading of the ammeter is I / 2, the current on the rheostat box is greater than I / 2, so the resistance measured by the rheostat box is less than the true value of the ammeter

The laboratory supplies one power supply, one ammeter and one voltmeter, two constant resistance R1 = 6 Ω, R2 = 4 Ω. (1) please choose three of them and fill them in the diagram with symbols to form four different circuits (a, B, C and D). It is required that all components of the circuit can work normally, and the power consumed by each circuit is p a > P B > P C > P D. (2) if The power supply voltage is 6V, calculate the total power of the circuit and the reading of the ammeter

(1) According to the characteristics of series and parallel connection of resistance, the relationship of resistance value obtained by the combination of resistance r1r2 is: R series > R1 > R2 > R parallel. When the voltage is constant, P = u2r can know: P parallel > P2 > P1 > P series, so the circuit diagram meeting the requirements of the question is shown in the right figure. (2) according to 1R = 1r1 + 1r2: R total = r1r2r1 + R2 = 6 Ω × 4 Ω, 6 Ω + 4 Ω = 2.4 Ω; according to P = u2r: p a = (6V) 22.4 Ω = 15W; according to I = ur: R total = r1r2r1 + R2 = 6 Ω × 4 Ω, 6 Ω + 4 Ω = 2.4 Ω I = 6v2.4 Ω = 2.5A. A: (1) the four different circuit diagrams that meet the requirements are shown in the figure above; (2) the total power of the circuit in figure a is 15W; the reading of the ammeter is 2.5A

There are two fixed value resistors R1 and R2 with unclear resistance. Here are the following equipment: power supply, a switch, a voltmeter and an ammeter. How do you compare the two resistors? & nbsp; comparison method with voltmeter: comparison method with ammeter:

The resistance R1, R2, parallel in the circuit, respectively, with an ammeter to measure the two branches, the current is large, the resistance is small; the current is small, the resistance is large
Connect the power supply, resistance R1 and R2 in series with wires, and then measure the two ends of resistance with voltmeter. If the voltage is large, the resistance is large; if the voltage is small, the resistance is small

For the circuit shown in the figure, the indication of voltmeter is 2V, the indication of ammeter is 1a, and the power supply voltage in the circuit is 5V. What is the resistance of R2?

According to the circuit diagram, R1 and R2 are connected in series. The voltmeter measures the voltage at both ends of R1 and the ammeter measures the current in the circuit. ∵ the total voltage in the series circuit is equal to the sum of the partial voltages, ∵ the voltage at both ends of R2: U2 = u-u1 = 5v-2v = 3V, ∵ I = ur, ∵ the resistance of R2: R2 = u2i = 3v1a = 3 Ω. Answer: the resistance of R2 is 3 Ω